Professor Saulo Dubard Barbosa with colleagues have published two papers recently that  advance research on entrepreneurial decision making.

The first paper is published in the Journal of Business Venturing and is entitled: “Biased and overconfident, unbiased but going for it: How framing and anchoring affect the decision to start a new venture,”. The paper reports on two experimental studies investigating how two commonly used heuristics affect perceived risk, confidence, and the decision to start a new business. You can find the paper and the abstract here.

The second paper is piblished in the Journal of Small Business Management and is entitled: “Different strategies for different fields? Exploration, exploitation, ambidexterity, and the performance of self-employed musicians,” This paper explores how the decision to focus on either exploitation or exploration rather than doing both simultaneously (ambidexterity) relates to the performance of self-employed musicians.You can find the paper and the abstract here.