
Cover of: Dumont, G. Impact Work. An Ethnographic Journey into the Craft of Impact Entrepreneurship. New-York: Palgrave McMillan.

Guillaume Dumont, 2024

Impact work.
An Ethnographic Journey into the Craft of Impact Entrepreneurship.

This book provides a critical examination, of the hype surrounding social impact by investigating the work of those attempting to create impact enterprises. It builds on two years of fieldwork at a social impact accelerator training wannabe entrepreneurs to turn their ideas into organizations achieving societal goals. The book reveals the intricate behind-the-scenes socialization through which entrepreneurs learn the ropes of impact entrepreneurship. In doing so, it sheds light on the roles of some of the key players of this unique social world—impact investors, corporate executives, and mentors—whose work typically remains in the shadows to reproduce the myth of the lone impact entrepreneur.
Impact work challenges the view that impact is a given property of a social venture resulting from an intrinsic desire to change the world. Instead, I argue that impact emerges iteratively from a process of social engagement and negotiation among entrepreneurs, impact investors, corporate executives, and mentors, as they collaborate in the mundane processes of its production. Namely, “impact work.” This book is about what I like to think of as impact in the making. It is a story of hope and collaboration and unveils the social and cultural challenges and contradictions faced by those attempting to create alternative organizations.

The cover of: "Handbook of Innovation and Regulation"

Maria Minniti, Almantas Palubinskas, 2023

Handbook of Innovation and Regulation, (pp. 35-56)

Innovations determine our living standards. Their realization and performance, in turn, are influenced by the regulatory environment. Regulations determine the size and positioning of a bicycle’s handlebar, the maximum weight of a drone, even the maximum amount of ink within a pen. Yet, the effects of regulation on technological innovation remain largely underestimated. Regulations are usually thought of as altering the quantity and speed of technological innovation via patenting and R&D. In reality, their effects are substantially more nuanced and extend not only to influencing the quantity but also to the type and characteristics of a technology. In this chapter, we review extant management literature to summarize the current state of knowledge in the field and present a framework that, we hope, will allow researchers to unravel the entanglement between regulation, the type and characteristics of emerging technological innovation, and, indirectly, the entry of new firms in the industry.


Cover of "The Geopolitical Economy of Sport"

Anand, M., 2023

Geopolitics of Cricket in India. In The Geopolitical Economy of Sport (pp. 155-162). Routledge. The Geopolitical Economy of Sport Power, Politics, Money, and the State.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the global response, and the consequent ramifications for sport have put the geopolitical economy of sport front and centre in both public debate and academic thinking. Similarly, the Winter Olympics in Beijing and the FIFA World Cup in Qatar illustrate the political, economic, and geographic imperatives that shape modern sport. This book brings together studies from around the world to describe this new geopolitical economy of sport, from the way in which countries use natural resource revenues, accusations of sport washing, and the deployment of sport for soft power purposes, to the way in which sport has become a focus for industrial development. This book looks at the geopolitical economy of sport across the globe, from the Gulf States’ interests in European soccer to Israel seeking to build a national competitive advantage by positioning itself as a global sports tech start-up hub, and the United States continuing to extend its economic and cultural influence through geopolitical sport activities in Africa, Latin America, and the Indian subcontinent. This book captures a pivotal moment in the history of sport and sport business.

Bienvenue en incertitude !<br />
Survivre et prospérer dans un monde de surprises<br />

Philippe Silberzahn, 2022

Bienvenue en incertitude !
Survivre et prospérer dans un monde de surprises

Crise de 2008, Printemps arabe, déclin de Nokia, accident nucléaire de Fukushima, Brexit, élections de Donald Trump et d’Emmanuel Macron, épidémie de Covid-19… La liste n’en finit pas d’événements récents qui nous ont pris par surprise.

Alors que notre monde devient toujours plus incertain, les États et les entreprises s’obstinent à prévoir l’inconnu. Leurs outils d’aide à la décision, fondés depuis plus d’un siècle sur un paradigme prédictif, se révèlent inappropriés. Il est grand temps de les réinventer entièrement !

Philippe Silberzahn, expert en stratégie des organisations, s’appuie sur de nombreux exemples concrets pour répondre à trois questions fondamentales de la prise de décision en incertitude :
• Quelle est la nature de notre environnement ?
• De quelles informations avons-nous besoin pour faire les choix adéquats ?
• Comment intégrer le jeu des différents acteurs ?

Les principes d’action exposés dans cet ouvrage seront indispensables à tous ceux qui doivent préparer notre société à l’avenir (dirigeants, entrepreneurs, investisseurs) ainsi qu’à ceux qui les conseillent (analystes, consultants). Ils vous aideront à vous protéger de l’incertitude et, mieux encore, à en tirer parti !


The emerging logic of responsible management: institutional pluralism, leadership, and strategizing

Nevena Radoynovska, William Ocasio, and Oliver Laasch, 2020

(Chapter 28) The emerging logic of responsible management: institutional pluralism, leadership, and strategizing

The chapter outlines the relevance of an institutional logics, pluralism, and leadership perspective on responsible management. The responsibility of corporate managers has been interpreted, to a large extent and for a long time, as giving primacy to the financial interests of shareholders. Yet, the growing emphasis on responsible management invites a redefinition of the fundamental role of leaders and managers in bringing about and sustaining responsible management. To the extent that responsible management (RM) implies attending to the demands of diverse stakeholders with multiple and potentially competing interests (e.g. shareholders, managers, employees, communities, the environment, etc.), we can think of the latter as fundamentally connected to the practices, values, and assumptions that guide and constrain their behavior – that is, institutional logics. The co-existence of multiple logics within RM – including those of the market, corporation, professions, and the community, along with a transversal focus on sustainability – suggests that organizations that strive to manage responsibly operate in environments of institutional pluralism. By considering the implications of an emerging logic of responsible management, an institutional pluralism perspective can facilitate a rethinking of the role of managers in society. We argue that corporations play a key role in achieving RM, and that leaders and managers within such corporations are essential figures in managing responsibly for economically, socially and environmentally sustainable development. In fact, managers must be true institutional leaders along technical, political, and cultural dimensions. A pluralistic perspective on RM also requires rethinking the role of managers and leaders as pertains to core elements of organizational strategy (business models, governance, and non-market strategy).



Grimpeur professionnel<br />
Le travail créateur sur le marché du sponsoring</p>
<p>Guillaume Dumont<br />

Guillaume Dumont, 2018

Grimpeur professionnel: Le travail créateur sur le marché du sponsoring

Les grimpeurs professionnels sont présentés comme des individus talentueux qui voyagent dans le monde entier pour escalader les voies et les blocs les plus difficiles. Guillaume Dumont montre comment ils essayent de vivre de leur travail en devenant des ” ambassadeurs de marque ” pour des entreprises. L’auteur les suit sur les sites d’escalade jusqu’au sommet des blocs, dans leurs rencontres avec les sponsors mais aussi dans leur vie de tous les jours. Son enquête décrit un professionnalisme aux contours flous, qui impose en réalité une multitude de tâches, pas toujours rémunérées, relevant de la marchandisation de soi. Ce faisant, il révèle les similitudes avec le travail créateur, tel qu’il est étudié dans d’autres secteurs. Il contribue ainsi aux savoirs sur les transformations du monde du travail indépendant qui touchent aujourd’hui de nombreux professionnels. Préface de Pierre-Michel Menger.

Cover of the book: "The Wiley Handbook of Entrepreneurship"<br />

Nofal, A. M., Nicolaou, N., Symeonidou, N., & Shane, S., 2018

Biology and Management: A Review, Critique, and Research Agenda. Journal of Management, 44(1), 7-31

This chapter discusses the role that biology plays in entrepreneurship. It examines how genetics, hormones, physiology, and neuroscience may affect entrepreneurial phenotypes. Entrepreneurship researchers have investigated the influence of genetic factors in entrepreneurship. There are two main approaches that examine the influence of genetics on entrepreneurship: quantitative genetics and molecular genetics. Individual differences in hormones have also been linked to the tendency to engage in entrepreneurship. Quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) are the most adopted neuroscience techniques in organizational studies. Fueled by recent evidence, the chapter also investigates how biological factors may interact and correlate with environmental factors to influence entrepreneurship. The research on the biological perspective has shown that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is an asset that can stimulate entrepreneurial work environments. Finally, the chapter also discusses some future research avenues for entrepreneurship scholars interested in the biological perspective.