PhD Student

” I want to pack a strong punch with my work… “
PhD Student
PhD Candidate at emlyon, I’m conducting an ethnography of the community rebuilding post-explosion in Beirut, Lebanon. Amidst a storm of crises, I explore solidarity as an alternative form of post-disaster organizing. How can we transform anger, frustration, and sadness into a force for change? My research delves into how solidarity redirects negative emotions, fostering transformative energy, new social bonds, and alternative futures. Yet, amidst deep-seated political and economic crises, I question how we sustain solidarity and challenge funding systems that perpetuate colonial-era imbalances. As I spend several weeks in the field, I’m driven not only by academic pursuits but also by my passion for coffee. So, while seeking answers, I indulge in my guilty pleasure – discovering the best place for a cappuccino in Beirut!