Professor of finance

” I like to make sure that my own work always measures up! “
Professor of finance
While my main research area is private equity and venture capital (PE and VC), I have recently ventured (sorry for tautology) into M&A. In the PE/VC sandbox, two aspects are particularly interesting to me: company-level real effects of such investments and public policies promoting such investments. By real effects I mean the impact of PE/VC investments on outcomes in PE/VC-backed companies and their competitors, clients, or suppliers. By public policies I mean governmental initiatives that either provide finance to ventures directly through dedicated governmental venture capital funds, or indirectly, as limited partners committing to private VC funds. In the M&A sandbox, I study the role of rumors about public and private companies and their impact on transaction closing and pricing. Since I was trained as an empiricist, my methods are econometrics and data analysis, which fits well with the areas described above.
M&A rumors about unlisted firms
Bridging the equity gap for young innovative companies: The design of effective government venture capital fund programs. Research Policy, 49 (10), 104051.
(Alperovych, Y., Groh, A., & Quas, A. – 2020)
How does governmental versus private venture capital backing affect a firm’s efficiency? Evidence from Belgium
(4. Alperovych, Y., Hubner, G., & Lobet, F. – 2015)
Private equity firm experience and buyout vendor source: What is their impact on efficiency?
(Alperovych, Y., Amess, K., & Wright, M. – 2013)